Saturday, May 23, 2009


(檳城) 峇六拜第4自由工業區出入口處基本設施及加寬道路工程進展緩慢,施工地也缺乏安全管理,以致陷阱四伏,對工業區數萬名員工構成安全威脅。








中國報 May 23, 2009 17:58

(檳城23日訊) 峇六拜工業區第4區的基設提升工程似乎處于“半天吊”的情況,大路兩旁佈滿沙石,草叢中更可見外勞蹲著洗刷。










Wednesday, May 20, 2009

PKR Should Make Internal Inquiry Public

BERNAMA March 25, 2009 19:33 PM

PENANG, March 25 (Bernama) -- The Penang Gerakan wants state Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) chairman Datuk Zahrain Mohamed Hashim to make public the party's internal inquiry into allegations of corruption involving its members.
Its assistant secretary, Goh Kheng Sneah, said that not making public the findings contradicted the coalition state government's slogan of competency, accountability and transparency (CAT).In a statement today, he said that Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng should ensure the state governement and its component parties practised transparency when handling the case.
Goh said Lim should not conceal the weaknesses of the state government component parties.
On Monday, Zahrain was reported as saying that PKR would not make public the findings of its internal inquiry on a quarry scandal and a special investigation panel headed by State Speaker Abdul Halim Hussain was in the process of finalising the investigation.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

霹议会乱局 朝野皆须负责






Monday, May 4, 2009














Saturday, May 2, 2009

Take Care of Your House First, Guan Eng told

Press Statement
Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Penang Gerakan assistant secretary Goh Kheng Sneah has urged Chief Minister and DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng to use more of his time to focus and solve DAP and PKR’s conflict in the state.

In a statement, Goh said Lim should not worry if there were internal issues or problems in the Barisan Nasional.

Goh said the Pakatan Rakyat government leaders, after one year in power in Penang, were still warming their seats and constantly trying to fan flames against BN and its component parties. “This is not the attitude of good leaders.”

Goh said Gerakan would not allow the PR leaders’ action to manipulate BN internal issues or conflict to achieve PR’s selfish political gain.

“The coming by-election in Penanti is a good example where Parti Keadilan Rakyat is showing its dirty political tactic. Until today, the real story of Mohammad Fairus Khairuddin’s resignation as deputy Chief Minister and Penanti assemblyman is still a mystery,” said Goh.

Goh also said that Lim should ask PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to give him a public apology over Fairus resignation as he was kept in dark in the whole episode. In fact, Lim was also openly reprimanded by PKR national deputy president and Penang state chairman Datuk Zahrain Hashim for airing his “displeasure over the said incident” to the press.

Pay More Attention on Job Market

Press Statement
Friday, 24 April 2009

The state government should look into the case of a factory in Prai which dismissed 94 local workers through voluntary service scheme (VSS) and later recruited 14 foreign workers, said Penang Gerakan Assistant Secretary Goh Kheng Sneah.

Goh said according to a report in a vernacular newspaper, the factory would be recruiting another 16 foreign workers soon.

Goh said the state government should take steps to ensure that factories gave priority to locals to fill up vacancies.

“Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, in early this year, had said the Penang government wanted to be the first state to implement Malaysian first policy to increase job opportunities for locals and not to be dependent on foreign labour. What has happened now?” Goh asked.

Goh asked the state government to take steps to protect local workers’ interest and pay greater attention on the job market, in view of the current global economic crisis.

MPPP must improve its performance

Press Statement
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Penang state government should concentrate on improving the standard and performance of the Penang Municipal Council (MPPP) which has been dropping over the years, said Penang Gerakan Assistant Secretary Goh Kheng Sneah.

Goh said from feedback, the performance of MPPP was deteriorating, with several heads of departments resigning. Hawkers had also complained that MPPP had not been handling their problems well.

“Council president Datuk Zainal Rahim Seman has been promoted to Penang State Secretary and so there is no head,” he said, adding that Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng should fill up the post quickly.

Goh said Lim should not allow Pakatan Rakyat component parties interfere in the appointment.
Goh was commenting on a statement by Jelutong MP Ooi Chuan Aun that MPPP ranked 21 out of 98 local authorities nationwide for the Year 2008 and was graded three stars, achieving 68.5 points out of 100.

Ooi said on the other hand, the Seberang Prai Municipal Council, which was seen as a ‘weakling’ compared to the MPPP was ranked 16.

“Under the Ministry of Housing and Local Government, the rating for the local governments 2008 was carried out from April 1 last year and the result was announced on April 14,” said Ooi.
Goh said that logically the assessment was made after Pakatan came into power in Penang, and so Pakatan should bear the responsibility for the poor performance.

“Anyway, whether the assessment is done before or after Pakatan came into power, Pakatan cannot not deny that the MPPP’s current performance is bad,” said Goh.

Gerakan Supports new LCCT for Penang

Press Releases
Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Gerakan has asked the Penang state government to push for the construction of a new low-cost carrier terminal (LCCT) in Penang.

In a statement, Penang Gerakan Assistant Secretary Goh Kheng Sneah said the previous BN state government had aggressively fought for a new LCCT in Penang and this effort should not be wasted.

“In fact, the previous State Government had set up a special committee headed by former state executive councilor in charge of tourism, Teng Chang Yeow, to closely monitor the development of this proposed project,” said Goh in a statement.

The committee’s job was to co-ordinate with the Malaysian Airport Berhad and the Civil Aviation Department on the land requirements.

Goh said the previous state government had already approved the alienation of a piece of land within the Bayan Lepas International Airport for the project with condition, which is the project also subject to approval from the Federal Government and it is hoped that current state government will act on it promptly.

On Monday, Air Asia Bhd CEO Datuk Seri Tony Fernandes urged the federal government to reconsider the project.

Fernandes said the LCCT was necessary as Penang has “massive potential” to be a hub for major international tourism players, including India and China.

Friday, May 1, 2009

神诞宴上激辩巴刹课题 吴竟诚与拉文掀口战

Kwang Wah Press 光华日报
二零零九年四月二十九日 凌晨十二时十四分






拉文也不是省油的灯,过后对记者投诉,民政党州议员在峇都蛮任期超过25年(吴竟诚及纪碧真) ,可是一直无法为当地居民争取新巴刹,所以他希望居民也不能怪罪于他。


他也说,州政府已经物色一块在双溪赖地段作为新巴刹地点,同时,当局也计划将增建多层停车场及夜市,这种 3合1方式能一劳永逸解决当地居民多年来的民困。

值得一提的是,当晚吴竟诚原本是以华语致词,然而,为了让不谙华语的拉文明白其致词内容,再以马来文向拉文“翻译” ,以示公平。
吴竟诚及拉文周一晚皆受邀出席双溪赖新路玉封庙大伯公千秋宝诞联欢宴会。双方皆为了巴刹民生问题掀起口舌之战 。

竟诚指正副首长及行政议员 做半天工只能领半薪
吴竟诚也指民联的槟州首席部长、第二首席部长及掌管槟岛市政局行政议员属于“part time”工作性质,只能做半天工,因此只能领“一半”薪水,以示公平。

他说,槟岛市政局工作效率一日不如一日,从5星降至 3星,是因为缺乏一名负责任的首长,他是首长又兼任国会议员,不算是100%槟州人民的首长。



陈宝祥吁议员 定时拨款提升基设
双溪赖新路玉封庙大伯公皇天大帝理事会主席陈玉庆的代表陈宝祥较早致词时 呼吁当地国州议员关注当地民生投诉,及定时拨款,提升当地基设及庙宇设备。


Another outburst by CM’s Chief of Staff

Press Statement
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
The public tiff between Penang Chief Minister’s Chief of Staff Jeff Ooi and state executive councilor in charge of local government, Chow Kon Yeow, seemed to have widened, with Ooi publicly criticising a head of department of the Penang Municipal Council (MPPP).

In a statement, Penang Gerakan Assistant Secretary Goh Kheng Sneah said Ooi’s outburst that “the head was not doing his job well” was unwarranted.

“Ooi could have sorted out his unhappiness to Chow internally, since both are key DAP leaders, if the officer’s performance was not up to his expectations,” said Goh.

During a ‘spot check’ on cleanliness at the Batu Lanchang market on Monday, Ooi, who is also Jelutong MP, was reported in the Chinese newspapers as saying that he was dissatisfied with the performance of heads of departments of MPPP. Ooi singled out one particular head of department.

Ooi had also expressed his unhappiness over the council’s tender system on cleanliness and garbage collection. He also urged Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng to look into cases of poor performance by council contractors.

Goh said Chow as the Exco member in charge of local government, was responsible for the performance of MPPP and MPSP and their personnel and he should be given the respect and be consulted first.

“It is all right for Ooi to visit Batu Lanchang market which is within his parliamentary constituency. But if he has problems with the performance of officers of the MPPP, he could have invited Chow to follow along or brought up the matter with the latter after the visit,” said Goh.

Last Wednesday, Ooi announced that he would relinquish his post as chief of staff on completion of several tasks entrusted to him. His announcement followed speculation that he was resigning and reports that he was unhappy with local councils.

The following day, Chow responded that he should be the one to quit if the performance of local councils in the state was not satisfactory.