Monday, June 29, 2009









Monday, June 22, 2009

In defence of previous state govt

STAR, Thursday June 22, 2009
PENANG must continue to improve its infrastructure, communication network and other facilities to meet the increasing demands of investors.

State Gerakan assistant secretary Goh Kheng Sneah said foreign investors would not invest a huge sum of money in the state if Penang failed to meet their requirements.

"Foreign investors have been coming here over the past two decades because of several factors including the state’s sound infrastructure and communications network,” he said.

“The state government could not have attracted RM10bil worth of foreign capital in the past 15 months as claimed by Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng if our infrastructure and communications networks were lacking.

“Lim’s statement that infrastructure in Penang had made little progress in the past two decades was clearly politically motivated,” he said in a press release on Tuesday.

Blasting Lim for “irresponsibly and purposely tarnishing” the previous administration’s image,Goh said it is now the duty of the current state government to maintain and improve existing infrastructure and communication network.

He added that Singapore Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew had emphasised that if Penang wanted to attract investors, it needed better infrastructure and communication links.

“Lee said to secure funding for these projects, the state government should work closely with the federal government to gain its support,” he said.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


星洲日報/大北馬 2009-06-18 11:54






Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Guan Eng has ill-intention

Press Statement by Penang Gerakan State Liaison Committee Assistant Secretary, Goh Kheng Sneah
Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Gerakan said yesterday that the State Government could not have attracted RM10 billion of foreign capital in the past 15 months as claimed by Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng if Penang’s infrastructure and communications network were lacking.

In a statement, its assistant secretary Goh Kheng Sneah said foreign investors have been coming to Penang over the past two decades because of several factors, including the state’s sound infrastructure and communications network.

“Foreign investors will not come to invest a huge sum of money in Penang, if the state cannot meet their requirements,” said Goh, adding it was inevitable that the state’s infrastructure, communication network and other facilities should continue to be improved to meet greater demands by local and foreign investors.

Goh said Lim had a politically intention when he echoed Singapore Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew that the infrastructure in Penang had made little progress in the past two decades.
“Lim’s intention was to purposely tarnish the previous state government’s image. This is very irresponsible and a low-level approach,” said Goh.

Goh said according to the Asia News Channel, Lee had emphasised that if Penang wanted to attract investors, it needed better infrastructure and communication links. To secure funding for these projects, Lee believed the Penang state government should work closely with the federal government to gain its support.

“Lee’s request is understandable. As a leader of his country, he has every right to protect the interest of his country’s investors,” said Goh.

Goh said it was now the duty of the state government to maintain and further improve Penang’s infrastructure and communication network.

Lim sengaja cemar k'jaan negeri Gerakan

16/6/2009 Malaysia Kini

Gerakan menuduh Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng bermotif politik apabila menyuarakan pandangan menteri mentor Singapura, Lee Kuan Yew bahawa tidak banyak kemajuan dalam infrastruktur di negeri ini sejak dua dekad yang lalu.

"Niat Lim ialah untuk sengaja mencemar imej kerajaan negeri sebelum ini," kata penolong setiausaha Gerakan, Goh Kheng Sneah, sambil menyifatkannya sebagai satu tindakan tidak bertanggungajawab.

Pulau Pinang ditadbir oleh BN di bawah Gerakan sebelum ia jatuh ke tangan Pakatan Rakyat dalam pilihanraya umum 2008.

Dalam satu kenyataan, Goh berkata, mengikut laporan Asia News Channel, Lee telah menegaskan, sekiranya Pulau Pinang mahu menarik pelabur, ia memerlukan infrastruktur dan hubungan komunikasi yang lebih baik dari sekarang.

Laporan itu juga memetik Lee sebagai berkata, bagi memperolehi pembiayaan bagi projek-projek tersebut, kerajaan negeri perlu bekerjasama rapat dengan kerajaan pusat untuk mendapatkan sokongannya.

Goh bertanya bagaimanakah kerajaan negeri mampu menarik modal asing sebanyak RM10 bilion dalam tempoh 15 bulan lalu, seperti yang didakwa Lim, sekiranya kurang infrastruktur dan rangkaian komunikasi di Pulau Pinang

Menurutnya, pelabur asing datang ke Pulau Pinang sejak dua dekad lalu kerana beberapa faktor, termasuk kemudahan infrastruktur dan rangkaian komunikasi yang baik di negeri.

"Pelabur asing tidak akan datang melabur jumlah wang yang besar di Pulau Pinang, sekiranya negeri itu tidak dapat memenuhi keperluan mereka," katanya.

Sehubungan itu, katanya, tidak boleh dielakkan bahawa infrastruktur, rangkaian komunikasi dan kemudahan lain di negeri itu perlu terus dipertingkatkan bagi memenuhi permintaan pelabur tempatan dan luar negeri.

Oleh itu, kata Goh, ia menjadi tanggungjawab kerajaan negeri sekarang untuk menyelenggara dan seterusnya menambahbaik insfrastruktur dan rangkaian komunikasi di Pulau Pinang.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

People need low-cost ferry service

9 June 2009 Press Statement

Gerakan hopes that the people can continue to enjoy low-cost ferry service, irrespective of whether it is run by the federal or state government.

Penang Gerakan assistant secretary Goh Kheng Sneah said the ferry service was an important link between the island and mainland and the government must ensure that the service would continue.

"It is very important that the people must continue to enjoy cheap and safer public water transport service,” he said in a statement, when commenting on a proposal by Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng that the state government had asked the Penang Municipal Council to take over the operations of the loss-making ferry service.

According to the Penang Port Commission, the ferry service, which has been in operation for 115 years, suffered a loss of RM20mil last year.

Goh said the ferry service is a Penang icon and also important to the state’s tourism industry. More importantly, it is a cross-move route for the low-income people, especially motorcyclists and pedestrians.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


星洲日報/大北馬‧2009-06-06 12:45




